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EASI Webcast from Australia: Part 1

Bruce Maguire (Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission) speaks with Dr. Denise Wood (University of South Australia and EASI instructor)  and Professor Norman Coombs (CEO, EASI).

This is a series of WebCasts involving participants from Australian organisations concerned with the provision of  accessible information technology in higher education settings. In this Webcast, Bruce Maguire who is the Policy Officer in the Disability Rights Unit at the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission speaks with Dr Denise Wood, Program Director (Multimedia Studies) from the University of South Australia and Professor Norman Coombs about the Australian Disability Discrimination Act and how this legislation applies to the accessibility of information technology in Australian higher education institutions. For further information contact Bruce Maguire  
(email: BruceMaguire@humanrights.gov.au) or Denise Wood (email: Denise.Wood@unisa.edu.au).

EASI Webcast from Austrailia Part One

Transcription of Webcast

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EASI Webcast from Austrailia Part Two

Transcription will be linked shortly

Webcast Archive Page