Presentation Help

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p = Previous Slide

n = Next Slide

Audio Playback

r = Reverse 30 Seconds

l = Play

a = Pause

f = Forward 30 Seconds

Skip to Content

A link used by various assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to allow users to skip over the navigation.


For audio playback, QuickTime 6 or newer is required. To download the latest version of QuickTime visit

Table of Contents

A list of links that will take you directly to any slide in the presentation.

View All Slides

This displays all of the Slides and Lecturer's Notes in one long page.

Contents of this Slide

This shows all of the individual items on a slide. It can be used to directly access text, images, and charts on the slide. Normally, these items are present on each page but are hidden from view. They are typically used by assistive technologies such as screen readers.

Active Content Warning / Javascript Warning

In some web browsers you may receive a warning about allowing this presentation to use "active content" or Javascript. This presentation uses QuickTime and Javascript to playback the audio and to make it accessible to as many people as possible. The content of this presentation is harmless and will not adversely effect your computer in any way. If the content is not allowed, the audio playback will not work.

For further information or help, please visit