Taming MS Office Applications

Taming MS Office Applications

Lecture Notes

Taming MS Office Applications

How to Understand a Table

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How to Understand a Table

The context in which any item occurs always is a key element in understanding it

What is the topic and purpose of a table

Individual cells usually take their meaning from the row and column headers

Take a piece of paper and cut a hole in it the size of a cell and read the table by moving it around the table

Table With Headers

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Table With Headers Table With Headers

Table Without Headers

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Table Without Headers

Cell row 4 Cell 4

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Cell row 4 Cell 4

Screen Reader Help for Tables

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Screen Reader Help for Tables

When people look at tables and read them, without being aware, the eye glances from the cell to its row and column headers providing meaning for that cell

The JAWS screen reader can be told which row and column contains headers and these are read as the user moves from cell to cell

In JAWS insert plus "v" brings up a menu where the user indicates JAWS should read row and column headers and can indicate which row and column contains headers

Repeating table With Headers

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Repeating table With Headers

Making a Table in Word

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Making a Table in Word

In Word, go to table menu and select insert and then select table

For now, select 2 columns and 4 rows and click on OK

Row 1 Column should say name

Row 1 column 2 should say age

Under name put some names like Tom and under age put some ages

Making a Table in Word

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Making a Table in Word

It is possible to inform Word of your header choices although this makes no difference for a screen reader

While setting up the table and defining number of rows and columns, also select autoformat and you can identify your header there

Excel Accessibility for Screen Reader

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Excel Accessibility for Screen Reader

Open Excel and think of row 1 as column headers and column A as row headers

Put some relevant content in the header row and column

Put your cursor in cell A1

You can tell Excel what you have done by going to insert and selecting "name"

Excel Accessibility for Screen Reader

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Excel Accessibility for Screen Reader

From name select definition and in the entry box write RowTitle and click OK

Return to Name Definition and in the box put ColumnTitle and click OK

Excel understands row 1 to be column headers and column A to be row headers

Be sure to save the spreadsheet with the header information which means JAWS will understand these settings

Sample Spreadsheet

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Sample Spreadsheet<br />

Some Resources

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Some Resources

Excel online free training


Tutorial for putting Excel spreadsheet in a Web page provided by Georgia Tech


PowerPoint Review

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PowerPoint Review

Input content using the title and body fields and avoid features like diagram drawing or the text box

When including an image, remember to format picture and add a text description

For long descriptions use notes

To export use save as outline or send to word outline

Use LecShare for a Web version

Word Review

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Word Review

Use styles and use headers instead of only using larger font

If a picture, use format picture and add a description

For long structured documents include a table of contents

Table and Spreadsheet Review

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Table and Spreadsheet Review

Word itself will not pass header information to a screen reader

You can help the user by either including header information in the document or telling them some other way

JAWS users will need to use insert V command and define row and columns for table reading

In Excel decide on headers and go to insert name and definition to tell Excel the RowTitle and ColumnTitle which will be part of the spreadsheet. This will be recognized by JAWS

Keep It Simple

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Keep It Simple

If your goal is communicating content, be clear, well organized, use small modules and keep it simple

Most of the features in Office can be made accessible to users with disabilities, but the more complex the output, the more complex it is to make it accessible