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Simple Multimedia using PowerPoint, Express Scribe, LecShare Wizard and Camtasia

Presenters: Norman Coombs and Marisol Miranda


This page will contain the recordings of all the series presentations. A new one will be added each week. It may contain links to other useful resources as well.


Week 1: Creating Narrated PowerPoint and Making a Transcription with Express Scrive

Presenter: Norman Coombs

Download and unzip the week 1 assignment

Slides for Making Narrated PowerPoint

Watch the recording of PowerPoint Narration Presentation

Read the transcript for this Webinar

Important notice!! I have to make a correction to making narration with PowerPoint I knew that the differences between PowerPoint 2003 and 2007 were mostly cosmetic. I assume the same for 2010, but I am mistaken. It seems that 2010 has no way to link audio or save separate audio files. Alsosome of the features in 2010 seem not to be available by the keyboard and there seem to be some controls not recognized by JAWS. These give some more detailed of settings and of audio recording and rerecording. The link below will provide a discussion about 2010 narration features.

Article on narration in PowerPoint 2010



Week 2: Introducing the LecShare Pro Wizard

Presenter: Norman Coombs


Get the zip assignment for week 2

View the slides for week 2 Webinar

Watch the recording for the week 2 Webinar

Read the transcription for the week 2 Webinar



Week 3: Introducing Camtasia

Presenter: Marisol Miranda

Twitter @marisol_m

Hashtag #simplemedia2012

Below are links to some video presentations which you should watch to help you prepare for the Camtasia Webinar.


View the slides for week 3 Webinar

Watch the recording for the week 3 Webinar

Read the transcription for the week 3 Webinar


Link for downloading Camtasia free trial version


Please, watch these 2 videos before the Webinar


" "How to import a PowerPoint presentation into Camtasia

"" Video showing 3 examples on how to use the playhead



Get the Zip file for working during the Webinar (keep it handy and unzipped)


""Download the Hands-On Activity 1 folder



"" Captioning a video using the ADD CAPTION MEDIA button on Camtasia



""Download the Hands-On Activity 2 folder

HTML version of the Instructions for Hands-On folder 2