Slide 1

Special Thank You To:

And to Our Board of Directors and Board of Advisors

Slide 4

Who We Polled

Key Findings for Discussion

Key Findings for Discussion

Key Findings for Discussion (con't.)

Key Findings for Discussion (con't.)

Key Findings for Discussion (con't.)

Slide 11

Nearly Three-Quarters of PwDs Want Jobs and Independence Over Benefits

No Partisan Split: Dems and Reps Want Jobs

Same Holds True With F/F/P/V

Slightly Less as PwDs Age

More Than 3/4 of PwD Say Job is Important to Happiness

Less Than 1/3 of Disability Community Thinks There is an Expectation That They Should Work

What one word or phrase sums up the biggest obstacle to people with disabilities finding and succeeding in a job? (answer included, but not limited to)

Appreciation and Income are Top Reasons to Stay in Job

Are you interested in finding work or working more hours? (PwD- not FT)

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Health and Issues of Perception are Seen as Greatest Barriers to Employment

Which is or was the greatest barrier to you finding a job with competitive wages? (PwD- Education Level HS or Some College/Assoc)

Which is or was the greatest barrier to you finding a job with competitive wages? (PwD- Education Level HS or Some College/Assoc)

Which is or was the greatest barrier to you finding a job with competitive wages? (PwD- Education Level HS or Some College/Assoc)

Other- Highlights Greatest Barrier

With F/F/P/V Again Perception Plays a Role

Impactful Changes: Attitudes, Training, and Benefit Policy

Messaging on Employment for PwDs Differs Based on Party Affiliation Although Top Message Works for All- Begs Additional Research of Employers

Overall PwDS feel they know what job they are best at

Younger and Less Educated PwD's Are Less Sure

Unemployed and PT Workers are Even Less Sure

Significant Percentage of Those Looking for Work, Don't Have Access to Quality Training

Unemployed PwDs Have Even Less Access Than Part-Time

Disability Community is Unsure That Employers Will Hire PwDs

On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being extremely uncomfortable and 10 being extremely comfortable, how comfortable are you in disclosing your disability to an employer BEFORE/AFTER you are hired??

Younger Generation Particularly Interested in Advocacy

Slide 39

Which best describes where you work? (PwD)

Which best describes where they work? (F/F/P/V)

In which type of work environment would you be most comfortable? (PwD)

82% Would Not Work for Sub-Minimum Wage

Nearly ¾ of F/F/P/V Feel the Same

Plurality in Favor of Quotas- Others Unsure Below are statements about how federal government contracts are available to companies that aspire to hire a certain percentage of people with disabilities. Which statement comes closest to your own view even if none are exactly right?

Slide 46

Who We Polled

Do you consider yourself to be disabled?

What word or phrase are you most comfortable using to talk about people with disabilities? (i.e., person with a disability, disabled, handicapped, exceptional, PwD, special needs, etc.)

PwDs and F/F/P/V Differ on Disability as Barrier or More Capable

Young PwDs are Even More Confident in Capability

Slide 52

Generally speaking, do you think of yourself as a …?

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Even With High Voting Rates Among PwDs, Nearly 40% of Those Who Didn't Vote Faced Disability Related Barriers

Did you help a person with a disability decide who to vote for in the 2012 presidential election?

Nearly 9 out of 10 Want Candidates to Take a Stand

Nearly Unanimous Candidate Record Matters

7 out of 10 of Disability Community Want to Buy Products and Work at Inclusive Places

PwDs give Pres, Congress, Governors Failing Grades On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the least and 10 being the most, please rate each of the following in how much you trust them to do the right thing to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities?

Partisan Split on Obama NOT Congress

Dems Have More Trust in Federal Agencies

Slide 63

What is the primary reason you choose to work on behalf of people with disabilities?

Highlights- Other

Do you think you will still be working in this field of helping people with disabilities in 5 years?

What is the one thing that would enable you to do your job better?

Slide 68

Of F/F/P/V Nearly Half Report PwD Lives With Them or Family Who do you currently live with? Does you friend/family member with a disability currently live...?

Is the person with a disability in your life currently employed? (Fam/Friend/Prof/Vol)

Are they interested in finding work or working more hours? (Fam/Friend/Prof/Vol)

Do you currently volunteer on a regular basis?(PwD- not working FT)

Do they volunteer on a regular basis? (Fam/Friend/Prof/Vol)

What racial or ethnic group best describes you?

What is your marital status?


While 70% of PwDs Nationwide are Outside the Workforce, Only 28% of Respondents are Outside the Workforce

Do you currently make at least minimum wage for the hours you work?

Did anyone assist you in completing this survey today?

Have you had a disability since childhood or did you develop it later in life?


Education Level

Personal Annual Income

What is your gender?

What type of government support, if any, do you/friend or family member receive?

What type of disability do you/they have?

Jennifer Laszlo Mizrahi - CEO & President

Meagan Buren - Vice President of Research and Communications

For More Information Contact