AT half-past Seven this Theatre part when diseased, and the va- was crowded in -every part, by rious ways in which Nature at.
upwardsoffourhundredStudents, tempts the reparative process, of the most respectable descrip- both to external and internal parts.
tion ; in fact we never before A man who has seen much of
witnessed so . genteel a Surgical morbid preparations, possesses class : the sight was most pleas- great advantages ; but his know-
ing, for they all appeared gentle- ledge cannot be perfect unless men of cultivated manners and hehasfrequentlyseen thesubject
good education. under dissection, in which he must AboutEighto'clock,SirASTLEY himself have assisted. In the CoopERarrived,andwas receiv- surgicalsciencehypothesisshould
ed with the. most enthusiastic be entirely discarded. And sound
applause; when it had theory, derived from actual ob-
ceased,<br />this distinguishedProfessor com- servations and experience alone
menced his discourse, hy observ. encouraged. The first is an ignis
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