Text and Images from Slide
- WCAG 2.0 focuses on the web (obviously!), not publishing.
- Some requirements of WCAG 2.0 and Section 508 are vague and situational.
- What constitutes good alt text? The answer is: "It depends."
- Is alt text required if the image is well-described in the text?
- Some images do not lend themselves to alt text, e.g., circuit diagrams
- Compare alt text requirements to closed captions.
- What constitutes a good long description?
- There is still disagreement on how to code long description.
- What constitutes good video description? What's the best way to do it?
- There is a lack of clear direction and examples for STEM content.
- No good solutions for legacy content.
- 193 years of The Lancet online as scanned PDFs.
External technical barriers