Please read the explanation below

The Webinar had technical problems leading us to make a special archive at least temporarily.

The first link below will open a new page playing the partial recording. It has several seconds of nothing but hearing a keyboard clicking before the audio begins. When the recording shows a Web page with a play button and discusses it, the rest of the recording becomes meaningless. We'll eventually delete the end, but for now, close this new page which will return you here, and you can use the other links to get the remaining Webinar content.

Listen to the partial recording on a new page and then return here

The next link will bring up 2 Web pages created by Lecshare, and each page has a next button and a player with a play button. Click on the play button and hear me reading what is showing in the notes. You can use the next button to go to the second slide and do the same, This time, if you click on the next button on slide 2 it will return you to this page.

Start the Lecshare slides with audio

Last item that was missed in the Webinar was the movie made from the Lecshare slides that included both audio and notes containing the transcription of that audi. Once you have the PowerPoint with notes and have imported that into Lecshare and have made the recordings, then when you export, select to make a Quicktime movie and be sure you check you want streaming captions. The movie output will show each Web page playing the audio associated with it and showing the notes from it making what amounts to captions.

NOTE! the page that opens has player controls and you will have to use the 'play' button to view the movie.

Watch the movie created by Lecshare.