Text and Images from Slide
And There is MUCH More…
- "While description was developed for people who are blind or visually impaired, sighted children may also benefit from description's concise, objective translation of media's key visual components.
- Specialized learners, such as students with learning differences, English language learners, and children on the autism spectrum, benefit from its value in literacy development (e.g., vocabulary and reading) and content learning."
- The Described and Captioned Media Program (DCMP), originally known as Captioned Films for the Deaf, Inc. in 1950,[1] and later known as Captioned Films and Videos and the Captioned Media Program, is a national nonprofit funded by the United States Department of Education
- DCMP's Listening Is Learning campaign focuses on these benefits (http://listeningislearning.org/background_description-no-bvi.html).