Accessible PDF Documents

Summary of Accessible Design

Additional Elements of Accessible Design

Adding Tags to the Document

Save As PDF in Word

Print to Adobe PDF for Forms ONLY

Acrobat Ribbon in Word

Prepare Form Tools in Acrobat

Remediating the Tags!

Basic Tags

Show Tags and Order Panels

Accessibility Tools in Adobe Acrobat Pro

Individual Accessibility Tools in Acrobat Pro

Document Tag

Heading Tags

Paragraph Tags

Paragraph Language

List Tags

Table Tags - 1

Table Tags - 2

Figure Tags

Link Tags

Form Tags

F2 to Edit Tags

Order Panel - 1

Order Panel - 2

TouchUp Reading Order Tool

Table Editor - TURO Tool

Table Editor - TH and TD Cells

Find Tag from Selection

Finishing the Document

Document Properties - Language

Document Title

Initial View - Document Title

Tab Order

Accessibility Full Check

Fourth Edition of PDF Book!
