Accessible Form Design

Hierarchy of Tasks

Form Design

Order of Information Requested

Arrangement of Radio Buttons

Confusing Question with Single Answer

Confusing Date Layout

Two Part Answers

Two Part Answers Example

Symbols for Form Controls

More Symbolism

Symbols for Check Boxes/Radio Buttons

Check Box and Radio Button Example

Use Columns for Layout

Remediated Radio Buttons

Leave Space for Answers

Multiline Text Form Controls

Multiline Example

Correct Layout for Multiline Answers

Better Example of Multiline Text Answer

Word Count Dialog in Word

Long Answers - 1

Long Answer - 2

Leave Enough Space for the Answer

Adjust the Row Height in Tables

Avoid Tables for Layout

Table for Layout

Don't Format Phone Numbers

Underline/Slashes Create More Work

Digital Signatures/Digital ID

Fourth Edition of PDF Book…Finally!
