
Styles in Word: A Primer for Accessible Document Design

Add Sandbox Text to a Document

Navigation Pane - Alt + W, K

Paragraph Styles

Character Styles

Linked Styles

Styles Pane

Styles on the Quick Access Toolbar

Normal and Body Text Styles

Modify Style

Modify Style Dialog

Style Sets

Create a Style Set

Sharing Style Sets

Samples of Style Sets

Direct Formatting - Accessibility Barrier!

Use Strong Style instead of Bold!

Modify the Strong Style

Sample Modified Strong Style

Use Emphasis Style instead of Italics!

Modify the Emphasis Style

Create an Underline Style!

Create New Style Dialog

Font Dialog - Choose Underline Attributes

Quote Style Instead of Text Boxes/Tables!

Modify Intense Quote Style

Add Space between Border and Text

Headings are Navigational Points!

Put a Heading on the Next Page

Heading Styles

Document without Headings

Document with Headings

New Heading Style based on Existing One

Tables of Content and Headings

Generate Table of Contents

Sample Table of Contents

Different Table of Contents Look

Contact Karen!

Styles in Word Book

Fourth Edition of PDF Book…Finally!
