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Contents of Normal and Body Text Styles
Normal and Body Text Styles
- Choose your font if you don't like the default Calibri (sans-serif).
- Cambria is the serif font.
- Verdana is a display font that is optimal for documents that are only going to be read online. Not so good for print.
- Don't use fanny fonts or custom fonts.
- Use standard Unicode fonts.
- Font size should be an organizational policy or best practice.
- The default is point because the Calibri and Cambria fonts were developed for Word to be more "efficient."
- I use 12 point and you can use 14 but the font size should relate to your audience. For example if you are an organization for seniors, you might want 14 point, if you are a university, you might want 12 point.
- The KEY is to use Styles so that if someone can't use the default font, they can swap out the current Style Set for one that is more usable.