Authors of workbooks using the Microsoft® spreadsheet program Excel® can use the Input Message feature of Excel to provide outstanding feedback and instructions for users of JAWS® screen reader software and MAGic® screen magnification software. Hyperlinks can be used to expedite navigation within the form for JAWS and MAGic users.
TIP: If you want to silence JAWS on your computer, but still be able to use JAWS to follow along with the instructor, use the Select a Voice Profile (Select a Synthesizer for versions of JAWS prior to 10.0) dialog box:
Press INSERT+CTRL+S, choose No Speech in the list, and press ENTER to close the dialog box.
This allows you to hear the instructor and hear JAWS on the instructor's machine, but still use JAWS to follow along.
By the end of this workshop you will understand, be able to discuss, and/or perform the following tasks:
These are just a few of the keystrokes for JAWS in Excel. For more, press INSERT+F1 twice quickly while in Excel. The JAWS help topic for Excel opens. Choose the link for JAWS Commands for Excel. For a more complete list of JAWS keystrokes use one of the following links:
List cells in current column (Excel 2007) | INSERT+SHIFT+C |
Read column total | INSERT+NUM PAD ENTER |
Say column title | INSERT+ALT+SHIFT+C |
List cells in current row (Excel 2007) | INSERT+SHIFT+R |
Read row total | INSERT+DELETE |
Say row title | INSERT+ALT+SHIFT+R |
List cells with comments | CTRL+SHIFT+APOSTROPHE |
Read cell comment | ALT+SHIFT+’ (APOSTROPHE) |
List Visible cells with data | CTRL+SHIFT+D |
List defined monitor cells | CTRL+SHIFT+M |
Set monitor cell | INSERT+SHIFT+1 through 0 |
Read monitor cell | ALT+SHIFT+1 through 0 |
Choose one of the following links for a list of MAGic keystrokes, including those for Excel: